Look Up a 2025 Bill

Learn about bills that affect educators, students, and public services, and see how Legislators voted on them. Currently, NDU is tracking over 120 bills that relate to all of our members. Please know that our team is tracking all of these bills, meeting consistently to discuss where things stand, and working through our plans in relation to them. On many of these, we are waiting to see what amendments are introduced and how that changes bill, as well as if it has a chance to be passed on the floor in the chamber of origin.

Please reach out if there is a bill you are interested in, or hearing about from others, and would like more information about it and what NDU is doing to support or oppose it.

Bills By Category:

Higher Ed

HB 1220 – Accelerated degrees for high-demand careers

HB 1437 – Changes tenure and post-tenure review processes

SB 2003 – Higher education funding

SB 2147 – Supplemental grant program for college students of North Dakota

SB 2242 – Study on the feasibility of consolidating higher education institutions


HB 1540 - Koppelman-authored bill

SB 2400 - Axtman-authored bill

School Meals

HB 1100 – Lunch debt forgiveness

HB 1475 – Universal free school meals (general fund)

HB 1553 – Universal free school meals (Legacy Fund)

Property Tax

HB 1168

HB 1176

HB 1575

K-12 Education

HB 1530 – Special education study

SB 2307 – Book ban

HB 1238 – Reducing experience requirements for lifetime licensure

HB 1369 – 2% and 2% funding increase

HB 1222 – Compulsory pledge of allegiance

Public Employees

HB 1015 - Public employee funding

HB 1234 - PERS funding

SB 2160 - Expanded health insurance coverage